TTS together with Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company – UDP cooperate for a new logistics line
TTS together with Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company - UDP cooperate for a new logistics line dedicated to grain exports from Ukraine. The TTS Group is the market leader in integrated logistics services and inland water transport of solid bulk cargo in the Danube basin. The Group operates the largest inland...
EU funding of 14.4 million lei for the modernisation of the Port of Giurgiu by TTS
Within the projects for improve navigation conditions and to develop port infrastructure and superstructure located on the TEN-T Core trans-European transport network (public and private beneficiaries) - new investment projects, there is a project which was funded by EU for modernisation of the Port of Giurgiu by TTS. The value...
Dunarea catalizeaza dezvoltarea transportului intermodal
Eco Danube a rezultat din asocierea companiilor germane Hödlmayr International, Euro Bevrachting Germany si Schwandner Logistik + Transport GmbH cu expeditorul austriac Connect, dar utilizeaza navele operatorului fluvial bulgar Fanty G. Utilizate pentru a transporta masini agricole, vehicule grele, incarcaturi agabaritice si chiar automobile produse la Pitesti, cele doua barje...
The Danube becomes a catalyst for intermodal transport in Southeast Europe
Take a Bulgarian pushed-convoy, add 235 Romanian cars, and let Eco Danube do the job … This is what the transport company Hödlmayr did and the result was quite satisfactory. On the 19th of November, 235 automobiles, from the Romanian make Dacia were loaded in Giurgiu and reached the port...
Surprising balances for the Danube administrations
In contrast to the decline in traffic, APDM has achieved a turnover of 9,4 million lei, meaning 97% of the estimated revenue for 2009. Still, the expenses were lower than expected, so that APDM maintained a 300,000 lei gross profit. Ports administration on the river upstream brought about a turnover...
Setra Danube Road Show
Setra 400 Confort Class include 30 de inovatii menite sa imbunatateasca siguranta si confortul celor 51 de pasageri ce pot fi imbarcati, dar in acelasi timp sa optimizeze costurile de operare. Dincolo de cosmetizarea designului exterior, intre cele mai importante imbunatatiri se numara Front Collision Guard, un sistem de siguranta...
Proiect de 6 milioane de euro pentru prevenirea inundatiilor pe Dunare
Scopul principal al proiectului este punerea bazelor pentru asigurarea unei dezvoltari durabile de-a lungul fluviului Dunarea, prin furnizarea unor harti de risc eficiente pentru Lunca Dunarii si pentru prezentarea informatiilor importante referitoare la riscul inundatiilor, necesare cerintelor de planificare spatiala si economica.In cadrul proiectului, alaturi de Romania (in calitate de...