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The subject is EcoStar ship which was launched on the 15th of November in the Drobeta Turnu Severin Harbor. The ship was acquired through the project “System for ship residue processing and intervention in case of pollution in the Danube sector” administered by the National Company of Giurgiu River and Harbor Administration.
According to Marcel Burducea, chief engineer  at the Giurgiu River and Harbor Administration, quoted by Mediafax, the ships which costs over one million euro, will take all the residues, will sort them and eventually take them to recycling.
“The ship itself is equipped with a modern system which prevents polluting. To clear the water it will process the ship residues which will then by deposited on a barge that we are going to buy as soon as possible, with its own modern systems that will pump the residues to a facility on the shore. Through a contract with a local sanitation company the residues will be periodically picked up and taken to recycling”, explained Burducea.

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