Industria aeronautica romana reinvie la Ghimbav
In august 2009, Guvernul Romaniei si concernul EADS au semnat un memorandum de intelegere privind dezvoltarea unui parc tehnologic aerospatial la Brasov, iar primele roade ale acestui acord sunt pe cale sa devina vizibile in urma toarele luni. Premium Aerotec GmbH va derula o investitie de aproximativ 45 milioane de...
Importanta si rolul centrelor logistice
De regula, in aceleasi zone sunt amplasate si centrele de aprovizionare cu materii prime, materiale, componente (cum ar fi , de exemplu, ambalarea de mijloace auto). Subliniez ca aceste centre logistice trebuie sa fie conectate de reteaua de infrastructura de transport (daca se poate chiar la toate modurile de transport)....
Aeroportul din Timisoara, in santier pana in 2015
In intervalul 2007-2008 se vor face investitii pentru hangarul si platformele de deservire a aeronavelor, iar in 2011 se vor prelungi caile de rulare. Pe termen lung, pana in 2015, se are in vedere extinderea si reparatia capitala a aerogarii, salonului oficial, platformei pentru aeronave si sistemului de balizaj. In...
Digital tachometers – the must-have of road transportation starting August, 2007
Basically, what the digital tachometer card does is to keep an evidence the time spent on breaks so it can be adjusted to meet the European standards. MTCT crews, as well as crews of the Ministry of Work, will regularly check the transporters for tachometers. The penalties for every transporter...
AIR TRANSPORT Tarom Budgets 7 Million Dollar Profit
Tarom’s management announced new flights for the summer season, but admitted that some of the internal routes are unprofitable. Most of the flights however have a 70% occupancy rate, while tickets to London, Paris, Barcelona and Madrid are always entirely booked. The loss-making flights are the ones to the province...
Then came 19th of May, and everything stumbled in front of future’s unknown factors: the same Orban gave the tone when he said the some liberals want to take their hands off the government’s helm. A surprise blow at a time when newly appointed pen pushers seemed ready to start...
Romania stands stil while its neighbours encourage intermodal transport
Rail and inland waterway transport have much lower external costs in terms of accident, climate change and air pollution than road transport. As these transport modes have considerable spare capacity, they can also play a role in diverting traffic away from the congested parts of the road networks. Since external...
EDITORIAL – EU doesn’t care about Romanian motorways
Still, many voices from Bruxelles state almost every day that Romania will get tens of billions of Euro to update its infratructure in the next years and we’d better spend it wisely. But where do the money go? One might say they enter the ground, since they don’t seem to...
Romanian railway companies may be exempted from paying fuel excise
Among the European Union’s long-term objectives are a higher volume of freight railway transports, a gradual liberalization of the railway transport, the setting up in the upcoming years of a sole market of European railway transport and a more steady development of the transport sector, which would reduce the negative...
The new innovative concept developed by Herbert Klein and Richard Anzböck comprises many solutions to optimise the design of a containership. These range from an economy of stowage space to changes in the side board structures, to the shifting of wing voids in the middle of the ship or a...