• English

In March 2024, TTS shares climbed to the 7th position in the ranking of the most traded shares listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange, with a transaction value of RON 51,987,872 (USD 11,377,898), representing 4.36 % of the total value of registered transactions of shares included in the Premium Category.

The highest liquidity of TTS shares in March 2024

March was the month in which the highest liquidity of TTS shares was recorded in the entire history of trading on the BSE.

The recorded liquidity values ​​were higher across the board compared to the recorded values.

In the first trading month (14 June – 13 July 2021). Thus the total value traded in March 2024 it was EUR 10.46 million (+12.3% compared to EUR 9.31 million in the first month of trading), with a daily average of EUR 498,012 (+12.3% compared to EUR 443,432 in the first trading month) and a total number of 8,556 transactions (+63.9% compared to 5,221 transactions registered in the first month).

The recorded liquidity values ​​​​were higher across the board compared to the recorded values in the first trading month (14 June – 13 July 2021). Thus the total value traded in March 2024 it was EUR 10.46 million (+12.3% compared to EUR 9.31 million in the first month of trading), with a daily average of EUR 498,012 (+12.3% compared to EUR 443,432 in the first trading month) and a total number of 8,556 transactions (+63.9% compared to 5,221 transactions registered in the first month).

The highest liquidity of TTS shares in March 2024

In March 2024, 1,898,576 TTS shares were traded, the daily average being 90,408 shares.

The total value traded was 51,987,872 RON, the daily average being 2,475,613 RO.

The highest liquidity of TTS shares in March 2024

To support its main activity – freight forwarding – TTS, as a shareholder, invests in various fields.

These are:

  • river transport,
  • passenger transport on waterways,
  • repairs and maintenance for barges and pushers,
  • handling and storage,
  • related activities for transport ,
  • railway transport and hotel services.

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