Daca obtinerea scrisorii de garantie bancara ar fi fost obligatorie, ar fi disparut multe case de expeditii, iar efectele nu ar fi fost deloc benefice pentru carausi
RBT: Cum a decurs batalia pentru suspendarea aplicarii OMTI 1172/2009? Stefan Popa: N-am dus o batalie, ci am purtat un dialog si am gasit destula deschidere la interlocutorii nostri. Ce am explicat colegilor care actioneaza in sfera transporturilor auto internationale si interne fie din minister, fie de la Autoritatea Rutiera...
If the letter of guarante was introduced , man y of the freight for warders would have sucumbed , and hauliers would have ben hurt to
We talked to Stefan Poppa, Secretary General of the Romanian Freight Forwarders Association about the steps taken to suspend application of the disputed provision. RBT: How did the battle for the suspension of application OMTI 1172/2009? Ștefan Popa: It was not a battle, but a successful open dialogue with...