Cristina Trancioveanu, vicepresedinte FORT: Introducerea rovinietei electronice va aduce noi si variate modalitati de evitare a platii
RBT: In 2009 s-a consemnat falimentul multor transportatori. Acest fapt ar putea avea ca efect reducerea capacitatii de transport si, implicit, o crestere a tarifelor?   Cristina Trancioveanu: Falimentul unora nu a reprezentat o surpriza, la fel cum nu reprezinta o surpriza nici urmatoarea avalansa de falimente din 2010. Cu...
Cristina Trancioveanu, Vice-President of FORT: Electronic vignete wil bring new ways to avoid payment
Reactions to this bad start could not be late, and while a protest scheduled last month was cancelled, complaints could not be wiped with a sponge. Cristina Trancioveanu, Vice-President of the Romanian Federation of Transport Operators (FORT) was kind enough to answer some of our questions about the current problems...