Dragos Anastasiu, CEO Eurolines: The short routes are the most efficient ones
You’re one of the companies that succesfully faced the financial crisis, actually we could say that you came out on top even. What was (and is) the key of this success? We had restructured our whole activity even before the crisis. Amongst other things, it implied aquiring an application called...
Dragos Anastasiu, CEO Eurolines: La transportul intern, statul mai mult incurca decat ajuta
Sunteti una dintre companiile care au facut fata crizei. Am putea spune, unul dintre castigatori. Care a fost (si este), pe scurt, cheia acestui succes? Am facut o restructurare a intregii activitati inca de dinainte de intrarea in criza. Am achizitionat o aplicatie Enterprise Resource Planning, care ne-a ajutat sa...