How to hold an effective meeting
How was it possible to arrive here? The explanation is obvious: the meeting was not well prepared. Have you ever wondered how it actually translates in terms of cost, an inefficient meeting? What is the salary of each participant involved and how much time is consumed in that meeting? Most...
Borbely: Taxa auto intra in sedinta de Guvern, unde va fi crescuta pentru “masinile de 8-9 ani”
Proiectul de act normativ a fost suspus dezbaterii publice, perioada in care puteau fi formulate observatii incheindu-se miercuri. Cu toate astea, ministrul Mediului, Laszlo Borbely, a anuntat ca Guvernul intentioneaza sa mai aduca o serie de modificari."Vom intra cu taxa in Guvern astazi (miercuri, n.r.) sau cel mai tarziu saptamana...