OPEC has an optimistic view on global oil demand
The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) has a very optimistic view of global oil demand. This view is both in the short and long term. "There are some challenges. The big picture is not as negative as some people claim.," Haitham Al Ghais said. The so-called peak in...
OPEC maintains oil demand growth forecast for 2024
The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) has maintained its forecast for a relatively solid increase in oil demand in 2024. It identified that resilient economic growth and advances in the air travel segment will support consumption in the summer months. OPEC informed that it expects global oil demand...
OPEC maintains its estimate of strong oil demand growth
OPEC is the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). On Tuesday, it maintained its forecast for a significant increase in oil demand in 2024. It also estimated that there are chances that the world economy will perform better than expected this year. OPEC expects global oil demand to rise by...
Pretul petrolului scade, dupa ce OPEC a anuntat ca ar putea creste productia
Pretul titeiului Brent si-a accentuat a scazut marti cu doi dolari, la putin sub 113 dolari pe baril"Discutam despre o eventuala crestere a productiei de titei", a declarat Ahmad al-Abdullah al-Sabah, ministrul Petrolului din Kuweit. El a mentionat ca membrii OPEC nu au luat inca nicio decizie.Cotatia petrolului Brent, de...